I just received my SACD copy of this recording yesterday and I am pleased to report that this is indeed a 100% official release in addition to the other three Allan Holdsworth ...
The situation looks a little more complicated to me.
The 'Unofficial Releases' over on Discogs seem to be only for live bootleg albums. There are also plenty of non-bootleg ...
A release in the 2024 Tower Records BLUE NOTE SA-CD HYBRID SELECTION which is intended to mark the 85th Anniversary of Blue Notes founding. This one is from the 2nd tranche of ...
I was curious to see how this mastering compared to UCGQ-9019 (which I also have) so I bought this one as well.
They are VERY close (unsurprisingly). This one is mastered a ...
I just received my SACD copy of this recording yesterday and I am pleased to report that this is indeed a 100% official release in addition to the other three Allan Holdsworth ...
Has anyone compared this SACD to the japanese Bluray-Audio? Personally, I always preferred the BR-A over the AP SACD, but have not heard the MoFi version.
I recently acquired three DVD Audio discs via Amazon, none of which unexpectedly I can find on this website. Among them is Riding With the King - 5 options in highres audio ...