
Bach: Leipzig Chorales - Humber

Bach: Leipzig Chorales - Humber

MDG Scene  906 1619-6 (2 discs)

Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid

Classical - Instrumental

Bach: Leipzig Chorales

Craig F. Humber (organ)

Fascinating Heritage
The “Leipzig Chorales“ number among the essential repertoire of each and every organist. The interpretation of them by the young Canadian organist Craig Frederick Humber on the famous Silbermann organ in St. Peter’s Church in Freiberg heard on these two CDs renders audible a fascinating musical heritage – in a twofold sense.

Eternal Gratitude
The Freiberg church was destroyed by lightning, but the adjoining house was spared – fortunately so, for it was here that Gottfried Silbermann was storing three brand-new organs. Out of “eternal gratitude“ he bequeathed the grand two-manual organ with thirty-two stops to St. Peter’s Church. Today the deep sound of its 32’ stop continues to form a fascinating foundation, and the overall instrument represents the highest baroque craftsmanship and art of design in a perfection equal to Bach’s music.

Legendary Bequeathal
Bach compiled the “Eighteen Chorales” during the last years of his life. He chose pieces from very different periods in his life but must have composed most of them while still in Weimar. Some of these late mature versions nevertheless differ considerably from the earlier versions. The manuscript concludes with the legendary chorale arrangement “Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich hiermit” BMV 668, which Bach dictated shortly prior to his death.

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